Črni trn

Latin name Prunus spinosa L.

English name Blackthorn

Family Rosaceae

Month of planting III.- IV.
Month of harvest X. - XI
Light ☀️☀️☀️
Watering fairly


Woody plants of 0.5 to 3 m in size. It has a trunk that is protruding, short shoots are pushed. Shins are re-shaped short shoots, formed as an adaptation to periods of war. The bark on the trunk is blackish, on younger branches reddish, hairy or feathery hairy. The roots grow strong, and new shrubs burst from them, so that smaller black horns are formed. The leaves are elongated eggs, exchanged, often in groups. At the bottom of the leaf surface are the interstitial glands. about 1.5 cm large flowers bark on thorny shoots, the smell of almonds. the fruit is large about 1 cm, spherical, dark blue, with one stone, in which there is one seed.

Prevalence: from the lowland to the mid-sandy belt


According to the old tradition, the branches of the black twig, which we have on December 4th, on the feast of Sv. Barbara, cut it and put it in a vase,

they will be blooming on Christmas Day, announcing their happiness and health next year.

Barbara is considered to be the protector of all those who fear lightning, people who work at the risk of sudden and violent death. Among them are miners, stonecutters and others. According to the legend, she lived in the 3rd century in Nicomedia, a city in northwestern Asia Minor along the Marmara Sea.

Use in healing and culinary arts

The flowers, bark and fruits contain flavonoids, tannins, glycosides. Effectively act as astringent, laxative, anti-inflammatory, reduce fever, strengthen the stomach. We also prepare alcohol from drinks.

Tea is recommended as a good and soothing lavender, which at the same time strengthens the stomach, stimulates running and eliminates stomach cramps. The tea cleanses the blood well, eliminates skin rash, heals unclean skin, and also recommends it to drain water, painful kidneys, stones and guinea fowls. We can make a very tasty juice from the fruit, which promotes extermination and helps against constipation. Mlarmelade from fetuses is particularly affected by elderly people who have no morning running because the stomach has not yet eliminated the necessary juices. running, or having difficulty in extermination, prepare a sugar syrup: the flowers boil for a while in the water, then strew the cloth to the bottom, add the same amount of sugar, re-boil and pour into bottles. This syrup is very good for children as a mild laxative.

Tea from the hot thistle is healing of cardiac asthma. "Strawberries are collected in October and November, dry outdoors, then cautiously with moderate temperature, with artificial heat. The flowers are collected in March and April, April and May leaves, as soon as bled, and roots in October and November.

Located in the following gardens and thematic sections:

