Materina dušica

Latin name Thymus serpyllum

English name Breckland thyme

Family Lamiaceae

Month of planting III.- IV.
Month of harvest I. - XII
Light ☀️☀️☀️
Watering little


A partially carved pancake reaches a size of 10 cm. It has a slightly thinned, lying or erect stems that are round. Eggs to scabbard leaves are leathery, on the underside with distinct veins. Pink to purple blossoms are in colored inflorescences. The glass and the wreath are twin. The mother's nitrogen contains an essential oil containing thymol and carvacrol, tannins, glycosides, manganese, flavonoids and other substances.


supermaniteran dog


During the Middle Ages, the mother's nitrogen was used as a magical tool against dwarves and scorpions.

Use in healing and culinary arts

Disinfects the respiratory tract, calms the cough, creates cough, nerves, sleeps, and stimulates sweating. It acts antibacterial and spasmolytic, soothes or relieves cramps, and therefore, the mother's aroma also helps in gastrointestinal and intestinal catarrh and diarrhea. Due to bitter and aromatic flavors, it stimulates the running, so it is often used as a spice. Essential oil is used in cosmetic preparations. Headaches, nerve pains (sciatica) and rubella oil soften the pain. The aroma of essential oils calms the vegetative nervous system, so it is used in herbal pads. Tea with honey supplement promotes birth and makes it easier. Serves in irregular menstruation and kidney. It is used in pneumonia, bronchial disease and pulmonary fertilization. With oil or ointment, we lubricate the lung area and thus offer support in the treatment of cough.

Located in the following gardens and thematic sections:


