Pravi veliki trpotec

Latin name Plantago major L. subs major

English name Greater Plantain

Family Plantaginaceae

Month of planting III.- IV.
Month of harvest III. - XI.
Light ☀️☀️☀️
Watering little


It is a herbaceous perennial. The leaves in the leaf rosette are upright or lumpy, egg-to-egg-shaped, naked, have 5 to 9 veins, the largest leaves at the bottom are hearty or rounded. The stem is erect, shallow, frosty, at the bottom is stiff, hairy or bare. In classical inflorescence, there are many bisexual, four-star star flowers. The green crown is at the bottom of the tubular, and in the lower part, the leaves are also scratched. The fetus is a head that opens with a transverse crack in the middle. Seeds are from 4 to 13, most often 8. The plant contains mucus, glycoside avocinus, bitterness, tannins.

Prevalence: from the lowland of the Doppelgang belt



Use in healing and culinary arts

Broadcast trunks are used for lining. It has a pleasant taste. It is good to use as a fresh leaf compilation if the goat's goat is not completely fortified. Such compresses also well cure eye whirling, peak bees and axis. Even the painful and sore eyes use compression and juice leaves. It binds with bladder ulcers and liver cancer. The above diseases are treated with warm compresses from tea flavorings of fresh or dried leaves. The compression should be changed every half hour. However, the same fabric should not be used again unless it is boiled. Sheath is covered with hot and tired legs. Trumpet seeds prevents the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder. We are using a great marketer for internal problems. We drink tea for ease of coughing, with old cats, hemerodes, white flu, diarrhea, bladder weakness, bleeding liver, lung, stomach and intestines.

Located in the following gardens and thematic sections:

