
Latin name Punica granatum

English name Pomegranate

Family Punicaceae

Month of planting XI. - IV.
Month of harvest X.
Light ☀️☀️☀️
Watering fairly

Pomegranate is a leafy shrub or small tree, that grows somewhere from 4 - 6 m.The shoots are thorny and the crust is reddish and overflows with age. The leaves grow opposite, are on very short stems, simple, glowy green, elongated, geranium and up to 7 cm long. The flower matures at the end of the spring or the beginning of the summer.It is of Orange or red colour, bell-shaped, has 5 to 8 petals, they grow on branches, three in total. They are pollinated by insects. The fruit is 5 to 12 cm large and round. This fruit is leathery, inside it is divided with thin white bulkheads

in which the seeds are. Seeds are square, clear and ruby-colored, the seeds are juicy and edible. 50 % of the weight of the fruit is grains, of which 10 % are seeds. We plant them from November to April. It matures autumn, likely October. The fruit is stored for a very long time.

Growth conditions and habitat
It originates from the South Asian region of today’s Iran. For optimum growth it needs shelter, a southern location and lots of sunshine. It is a very long-lived plant. It grows in soil covered with clay - loamy soil, permeable, slightly basic, humus. It tolerates drought well, but it needs a lot of water for good fruit growth. During hibernation, temperatures drop to -12 °C.

Culinary use
In ancient Greece, a pomegranate apple was a symbol of fertility and eternal love. It is suspected that it has spread through the Mediterranean for several millennia BC. It’s healing effects have also been known for a long time, mostly used as an addition to dishes. In ancient Egypt and Palestine, it was cultivated 5,000 years ago. Today it is used in cuisine around the world. We can enjoy fresh pomegranate in products such as juice, desserts, jam, salad addition and more. Juice is strongly anti-oxidant. It contains vitamin C, B5, calcium minerals, potassium, phosphorus, niacin, flavonoids and a lot of fiber. The bitter taste derives from tannins. Seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. All parts of the plant contain tannins that were used for straining leather, and red colors are obtained from the flowers. It works antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, it lowers blood pressure and blood sugar.

Horse teeth: the fruit is medium thick to thick, round and a yellowish-red colour. It’s red on the sunny side. Grains are large, oblong, of bright red coloured and very sweet. It matures at the end of September or October.

Located in the following gardens and thematic sections:
