Smoke Tree

Latin name Cotinus coggyria

English name Smoke Tree, Wig Tree

Family Anacardiaceae

Month of planting III.- IV.
Month of harvest /
Light ☀️☀️☀️
Watering little


Woody plants with a size of 0.3 to 3 m. Leaves are swapping, round or oval shapes, are germs and feces. In the autumn there are streaks of roses. Rosy, 3 to 5 mm large petal blossoms are united in a large latitudinal inflorescence. A single-seed bone is naked, kidney-shaped. The stems of the fruit are markedly extended. The plant contains essential oils, terpenes and tannins.

Prevalence: submediterantkos area



Use in healing and culinary arts

No use in healthcare and culinary arts.

Located in the following gardens and thematic sections:

