
Latin name Allium sativum

English name Garlic

Family Liliaceae

Month of planting XI. - XII.
Month of harvest VI.- VII.
Light ☀️☀️☀️
Watering fairly

Garlic is a one-year herbaceous plant. It originates from Asia (Kazakhstan). Garlic is a monocotyledon plant that propagates vegetatively: we plant individual bulbs. The leaves are elongated, waxy and 40-50 cm in length. In a garlic bulb, there are 8 - 18 bulbs, depending on the variety. Each bulb is wrapped with an overcoat, which covers a vegetative spring that allows the initial growth of the plant in the following year. Most samples do not develop a flower stem. Some varieties develop sterile flowers or small branches on the flower stem. We plant it in November or December, and we harvest it in June or July.

Growth conditions and habitat
The optimal temperature for growing garlic is 15-20 °C, during ripening to 26 °C. Well-rooted garlic can withstand temperatures down to -25 °C. Growth begins at 3-5 °C. At the beginning of growth, it requires a lot more water than at maturity. The bulb needs a lot of sunlight to grow. 

The soil should be fertile, with high moisture retention and an of pH 6.5-7.4. We plant in autumn or early spring and we harvest it from mid-June onwards.

Culinary use
The edible parts of garlic are the bulbs, flower stems and young leaves. Due to the essential oils, garlic has a specific smell and taste and can cause unpleasant odors. It is one of the oldest edible bulbs, for millennia it has been used for healing purposes. The records show that it was used as early as  2000 years BC. in Mesopotamia. In ancient Egypt and Rome, workers and soldiers regularly received it to stay healthy and powerful. It is used as a spice and medicinal plant. It contains over 200 biologically active substances. In addition to many minerals, vitamins, proteins, essential oils, it also contains allicin, which has many healing properties. It works as an antimicrobial and antifungal, it helps with atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, colds, digestive disorders, and so on.

Strigon: The leaves are of medium length and are upright and dark green. The bulb is medium sized and slightly flattened. The bulbous bulbs are reddish white in color. They have a medium number of branches (11 - 13), distributed radially in a circle pattern. The stem is medium-sized, the color of the rose is pink and the color of the flesh is yellowish. It matures in mid-early and late June and early July.

Grbec Tadej: Primerjava nekaterih morfoloških znakov sort česna (Allium sativum L.) s poudarkom na domačem istrskem česnu. Zaključna naloga. Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije.

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